Thursday, May 17, 2012

Training Wheels?

Well, round two of 6FIT has come to an end and it was another great run. I lost another pound and another couple of inches, but most importantly, I feel great!

First and foremost, I need to give a shout out to my cheering section.

I really have the most amazing husband. This man is behind me every step of the way, even when it means I'm squeezing exercise classes into our already insane schedule or getting the whole family up for an early morning walk on the weekends (extra points for exercising with "friends" on the weekends!). Every single day he asks what he can do to support me. How can he help me meet my goal? How can "we" get more points today? What's that other woman doing out in California and how can we smoke her this week? (Hi Kim!)

And my munchkins, William and Julia have been a total riot, living the 6FIT life right along with me. Telling the world about "hunt, gather, grow" week. Riding their bikes to the library instead of taking the car so Mom can jog along. "What's our food of the week, Mom?" "How many points do we get if we go for a walk?" "Do you get extra points if I sit on you while you do yoga?" "Are we beating that lady yet?"  Clearly the competitive spirit is present in our house.

As a former "loner" who has always wanted to do things on my own, this has been a very eye-opening experience. I know how to eat well. I know how to exercise. Why is this so darn difficult to do on my own?
The answer is, I still don't know. However, I'm a firm believer in doing what works, and being part of a supportive and health-minded community is definitely working.

After my first round of 6FIT, I was really on-track for about two weeks, and then I just started floundering around. I felt like I had lost all of my structure; no charts to fill in, no points to tally, no challenges to meet, etc.
This time around, I'm all over it! I've got my "app" to track my food and exercise (and connect with friends who are doing the same thing), I'm staying in touch with many other 6FITters and I'm scheduling exercise in advance for each week so I know I'll be taken care of even in the busiest of times. And let's face it-when is it NOT the busiest of times?
I'm considering this my "training wheels." Like when you first learn to ride a two-wheeler but you have to focus all of your energy on not falling off, you hardly notice the world around you. If you put the training wheels back on, you can enjoy the ride and still keep moving forward. That's me-moving forward!

I've also joined the virtual world and I'm hooked. I take real-time classes right in my living room via Skype after the kids go to bed or before they get up or sometimes they even join me. I can't believe I waited so long to try this out. 

People keep asking me what my favorite exercise class is and every time I think I have an answer, I try another class and can't make up my mind again.
Here's my rundown:

  • For Cardio I love Zumba. Who wouldn't? You keep moving, have fun and "Shake it" when Maeve yells "Shake it!" I dance like crazy and, as long as I avoid the mirrors, I feel like I could be on MTV. Oops-really dating myself there, aren't I? Does MTV still exist?
  • I'm also a big fan on Dinna's CardioKickFIT class. I love kickboxing and holy cow does Dinna make a girl work. Lots of intervals, lots of sets, big smiles and an all-around challenging class that wipes me out every time. I wish this was on the schedule more-it's in a tough time slot but totally worth it!
  • I haven't tried BalletFIT Cardio yet but it looks like another fun and challenging class. I'm working up to this one.
And then there are the toning classes:
  • Pilates with Resistance Tubing was my first favorite. Thank you Gina! I'm finally beginning to understand that you can stretch and be gentle on your body while also getting a great all-over toning workout. Who knew? It's the kind of class that flies by, leaves you relaxed and feeling settled in your body and, the next day, has your muscles reminding you that they did some serious work. 
  • Then I tried BalletFIT and really enjoyed that one too. Barre work, center work, core work, hand weights, some cardio, stretching-this class has everything. Reminds me of my childhood dreams of tutus and toe shoes-embracing my inner-ballerina here!
  • Then one morning I tried an early morning Mat Pilates class with Ali because I just couldn't fit anything else in that day. I haven't missed this class since. Talk about greeting the day. 45 minutes of all-over good feelings and more sweat than one would think in a class with no cardio.
  • And not to leave out the west coast motivation-Kristin's Long and Lean class was my first experience with yoga. All these years I wondered how anyone could consider yoga a workout. My kids go through the poses in their sleep. I take it all back and apologize to all of you yogis and yoginis. Yoga is tough and I am a convert. I absolutely love this class! And I'm not as coordinated as I thought-enough said.
  • And then Miss Lauren introduced me to BalletFIT Tone and Stretch one Saturday morning and it's now a regular part of my week. David and I have made this a weekly date and it's just the perfect way to start a weekend.  The studio is so beautiful and quiet in the morning and Lauren leads the class through some stretching, some basic barre work and lots of core and toning work. It's a slow paced class that's gentle on the body and always leaves me standing up a bit straighter and taller.
  • And then there are Arms and Abs, and Legs Bums & Tums: These are a little harder to fit into my schedule but I squeeze them in whenever I can. Sometimes a break from cardio and a real focus on specific "problem areas" (I hate that phrase!) just feels so good. Small weights and lots of reps are starting to make a difference for me. I'm starting to see long lean muscles popping up everywhere. What a difference from the muscles I developed at the gym! I'm pretty sure those one-pound Pilates balls are programmed to get progressively heavier as the workout goes on...
What am I missing? Music Video Dance is still intimidating me but maybe I'll get over it. Alyssa is such a great teacher and they all look like they're having a total party. There are still a few other classes left for me to try and I think a new class was just added to the schedule.

What do all of you do to keep your health a top priority? How do you fit in regular exercise without letting other things fall off your plate?

Enjoy this gorgeous weather and keep moving!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Inertia-Isaac Newton was on to something.

An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force. An object at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an outside force.
We all know this right?
I haven't really thought about inertia since high school, until this week. This week I realized that inertia actually controls my life. It's why when I'm "on," I'm really on, and when I'm "off," I'm totally off. Have you ever been on a roll getting lots of stuff done and then sat down for a minute to eat lunch or sort the mail and completely lost your momentum? How many times have you thought "I never should have sat down!"  Some days I am on fire and get so much accomplished. Other days I can't seem to get myself in gear at all.
So what's going on here? What are the "outside forces" at work that kill my energy and keep me from being the upbeat, active person I really want to be all the time?
And just as importantly, what outside forces can I use to get myself going when I'm mentally or physically "at rest?" Obviously, exhaustion and the need for reasonable amounts of sleep are factors here, but they are definitely not the whole story.

Here's what I've come up with so far for what I'll call negative outside forces:

  • avoidance-when I really don't feel like doing the task at hand for whatever reason
  • desire for down time- any parents relate to this one?
  • actual physical fatigue
  • mental fatigue
  • lack of a goal to work toward
  • looking at the big picture and feeling overwhelmed
  • need for a chance to just blow off steam
  • Facebook, Pinterest, email, etc

And on the positive side:
  • momentum
  • feelings of accomplishment
  • encouragement from others
  • focusing on only the task at hand and not looking at the whole to-do list
  • taking the first step-the next one is always easier
  • getting closer to a goal
  • having the end in sight
  • endorphins!
So my challenge this week is to figure out a way to enjoy my times at rest without letting them take over indefinitely and, as much as possible, to stay in motion.

So far I'm doing really well, but I'd love to hear how others deal with their "lazy side" and keep from becoming a total couch potato. 
What do you do in the moment to snap out of a slump and get back in the game?

Oh, and one more thing: NEVER end your workout lying face-down on the floor! Our 14-minute workout this week ended with a series of "supermans" and, after the minute was up this morning, I promptly fell asleep right there on the floor. Oops!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Eat More Kale

You've all seen the t-shirts and the bumper stickers, right? So what's all the hype about kale?
This slogan originally began as a t-shirt to promote local business, however, aside form the controversy that surrounds it (, you really SHOULD eat more kale-it's one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet.
I'm not going to list all the great vitamins and minerals in kale, but trust me when I tell you that it's a powerhouse.

Here's a recipe I'll be making many times this week:
Crispy Kale Chips  

  • 1 head kale, washed and thoroughly dried
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sea salt, for sprinkling


Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F.
Remove the ribs from the kale and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces. Lay on a baking sheet and toss with the olive oil and salt. Bake until crisp, turning the leaves halfway through, about 20 minutes. Serve as finger food.
Some people say these take the place of potato chips for them, I won't go that far, but they are definitely yummy! 
I'm told if you use less oil, you can crush these up into a powder and mix them into popcorn with a bit of parmesan cheese. I might have to try that too.

I also use kale almost every time I make soup. Wash it, take out the stems (I saute them in olive oil and eat them separately) and throw them in whatever soup you are making. Just make sure you let them simmer until they are tender or they can be a bit bitter.
How are you making kale this week?
In health and haste,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

6FIT Week 5-The 24-Hour Workout!

JUST KIDDING! But I got you to read on, didn't I?

I'm kidding about week 5, but not kidding about the 24-hour workout. The concept isn't mine, but I love it. The idea is to behave as if you're working out all of the time and it can really change everything from what you eat to how you carry yourself and even how you dress.

For example, you'd never eat a big fried meal before a workout, would you? No-you'd eat a healthy meal with lots of veggies and you'd never stuff yourself.
When you work out, you focus on your form, so why not stand up straight, hold in your middle and keep your chin up all day?
And if you're not going anywhere special, wear your cute kicks so you'll be ready if the opportunity arises for some active fun!

I'll admit, I can't remember to do it all the time, but when I do, I feel really great. I find myself doing calf-raises while I wait for my coffee to heat in the microwave, or putting away the laundry 1 pile at a time (bedrooms are on the 2nd and 3rd floors!) rather than stuffing as much as I can into 1 basket so I only have to climb the stairs once. Just standing up straight and holding in my stomach takes a lot of work, so I know I must be strengthening something, right? And when I feel strong, I'm much less likely to hit the baking cabinet and grab a handful of chocolate chips on my way by. Don't laugh-it's the only junk-food I have left in the house!

Give it a try. See if you can work "exercise" into the things you already do everyday. It won't replace a good workout but it will definitely help you make better choices and you'll feel great!

So how's everyone doing with Go Vegetarian week? Are you missing meat? Have you found that you aren't missing it much?

This is not a tough one for me because we don't eat much meat around here, but I'm hearing that lot's of people are struggling with this one. I used to cook some type of meat for my family at least 4 or 5 nights a week. Originally, we cut back in order to scale down our food budget. Then, the more I read, the more I became committed to buying only meat from animals that were raised humanely and fed well. Since that kind of meat is so expensive, we consider it a treat these days. We're not fanatics-I still eat whatever is served if I'm not at home, but I want to feel good about what I spend our money on when I have the choice.

Here's a really easy vegetarian recipe, especially for people who don't like tofu. I was never a tofu fan but I've found I love it when it's cooked right. Just try it-you might change your mind. Serve it with brown rice or quinoa and a steamed vegetable (green beans anyone?) for a complete meal.

 Seriously Delicious Baked Tofu:
1lb tofu sliced into 1/2in rectangles
1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine (mirin)
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp minced fresh ginger
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp minced fresh garlic

Preheat oven to 350.
Place tofu in a single layer on a lightly oiled casserole dish.
Whisk all other ingredients together and pour over tofu.
Bake until tofu is lightly browned and sauce has thickened.  (About an hour but watch it closely because it can be different depending on the variety of tofu.)

Okay, my 1/2 hour break is over (thank you Grandma and Grandad!) and the children are about to descend so it's back to school vacation week madness.

Enjoy the weather and don't forget to try something new today!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

I told you so!

Wow-lots of views for my last post. I guess folks were more nervous about hunt, gather, grow week than I thought! How's everyone doing so far? Not as bad as you thought it was going to be?

Two different people have remarked to me this week that they can't believe their energy level given that they're "only" eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains and unprocessed foods. It's eye-opening, isn't it? Gives you a whole new perspective on what your body really wants you to put into it.

It turns out, you can get all of the nutrition and energy your body needs by eating the hunt, gather, grow way. Not only that, but your body will become much more efficient. If your body is not wasting time and energy trying to digest foods it wasn't meant to process, it will have more time and energy to do everything else.

And who thinks they're missing out on carbs?
 Guess what-the foods that you are eating are actually full of carbohydrates. The only difference is that they are complex carbs, as opposed to the simple carbs found in breads, crackers, cereals, etc.

Simple carbs are metabolized pretty quickly, giving you a short burst of energy (and spike in blood sugar) and then that familiar drop (plummeting blood sugar), which makes you crave more carbs and the cycle continues.
Complex carbs are metabolized much more slowly so your blood sugar never spikes and you feel a much more constant, stable energy level and generally feel satisfied longer than you would with simple carbs.

Blah, blah, blah, so the point is THIS IS REALLY, REALLY GOOD FOR YOUR BODY!!!

Two weeks in and you already have the first Two pieces of the 6FIT puzzle:

  1. Stay hydrated-it makes you feel good and makes your body work well.
  2. Eat "real" food-it makes you feel good and makes your body work well
Are you sensing a theme here?

And how are you doing with broccoli and melon, our foods of the week? I have to admit that I've just been steaming lots of broccoli and haven't gotten very creative. I might give this a try before the week is out:
It's broccoli with sun-dried tomatoes and pine-nuts and it looks so pretty.

As for melon, it makes me feel like summer is here-hooray!

So you've gotten on a roll and you're feeling good and then what? A holiday weekend sneaks up on you. Whether you're celebrating Easter or Passover or just a plain old weekend, you have to have a plan because flying by the seat of your pants is just not going to work (and you're going to need larger pants!).

We'll be having brunch with my family and dinner with my husband's family and they're both potluck so I'm bringing 6FIT-style foods to both meals. That way I'll be sure to have options that I'll feel good about.
I also plan on enjoying a mimosa at brunch, a glass of red wine with dinner and definitely dessert! 
The thing is, I've already made these decisions so not only will I feel no guilt but knowing that I'm going to treat myself will keep me focused on the veggie/hummus platter that I'm bringing rather than the gorgeous cheese plate that will be calling my name SO loudly.
And lest you think that points are ever far from my mind, broccoli will be on the menu all weekend and I'm getting plenty of exercise points this week so I won't even miss the few points I lose. 

What's you plan? Think about it now while you still have time to make good choices.
Are you eating out? Can you pull up the restaurant menu online and decide what you'll eat ahead of time?
Can you bring a dish that you'll feel good about eating?
Can you decide now which indulgences you're going to enjoy so that you have something to look forward to?

Worst case scenario? You have the option of taking an immunity day, but if you plan ahead, you might surprise yourself. 

Whatever you choose to do, decide now and share it with your team so you'll feel accountable and less likely to fall off the wagon in the moment.

Okay, we're waiting...

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Live Like a Caveperson?

Okay, be honest. who's feeling a little intimidated by next week's "Hunt, Gather, Grow" challenge? If you're not "in the know," we 6FITters are going to be going back to our roots next week. If we can't hunt, gather or grow it, we can't eat it. We get one immunity item for the week so it's not like we have to give up our morning coffee or anything. Now before you get all worried, think about this challenge a little. I'll bet if you made two lists, the list of things you CAN eat would be far longer than the list of things you CAN'T eat.

What's out?
(Does this really look appetizing to you?)

  • cheese, yogurt, ice cream
  • bread, crackers, tortillas, etc.
  • refined sugars and artificial sweeteners
  • alcohol
  • anything refined or processed
  • most breakfast cereals
  • coffee

What's in?
(How gorgeous is this?)
  • Any type of fruit or vegetable you can imagine (this is a HUGE category!)
  • Rice (preferably brown), quinoa and any other grain you can gather (another HUGE category)
  • Pure maple syrup, honey, raw sugar and other natural, unprocessed sweeteners
  • Water (LOTS of water!), 100% fruit or vegetable juices, tea
  • Milk is allowed
  • Olive oil, coconut oil and even butter
  • Spices
  • Natural peanut butter
  • Oatmeal (not the instant kind, silly)
  • Eggs
  • Beef, chicken, pork, fish, shellfish (not breaded or fried)
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc)
  • Natural salad dressings
~and those are just the things that come to mind immediately.

So now that you've calmed down a bit, what are you going to eat? You are not doomed to a week of salad, though that wouldn't be entirely awful in my opinion. It's only a week after all-just seven days out of your whole lifetime. Our ancestors lived like this every single day. Don't try to tell me that your great, great, great grandparents were more creative than you are. You can do this! By the end of the week, you may even find you like it. Your body certainly will.

Let's start with breakfast. You can't have toast or most cereals so you have to think out of the box here. I'm going with coffee as my immunity item but if you're a tea drinker, you're already ahead of the game. Swap the sugar for some honey or maple syrup and you're good to go. 
Now how about making a big batch of oatmeal at the beginning of the week. Each day you just toss in some goodies (fruit-sweetened cranberries, banana slices, raisins, berries, diced apples, nuts, seeds) and you're good to go. 
Or how about a couple of eggs. Scrambled, hard-boiled, omelette-style with lots of veggies?
And don't forget that you're not restricted to what most people consider breakfast foods. I've found that starting my day with a bowl of chopped veggies, olive oil and a little salt (I usually add a chopped string cheese but this week I'll probably go with sunflower seeds) gives me a nice steady flow of energy until lunchtime. Or leftover dinner is my second favorite. Soup or sauteed vegetables over rice or quinoa? It might take a few days to break the carb-craving morning habit. I still crave something bread-like with my morning coffee once in a while but for the most part, it's a fleeting feeling.

Lunch can be even easier. The obvious option is salad with all-natural dressing. You might want to add some grilled chicken or fish or some nuts or seeds to boost the protein and keep you satisfied through the afternoon. Or what about an apple or banana with natural peanut butter. Or sauteed veggies over a whole grain? You're getting the idea now, right.

So now it's dinner time and you're really freaking out? Still? Grilled, roasted or baked veggies, baked potato, brown rice, grilled or baked meat or fish, homemade soup, salad, homemade quiches or frittatas? There are so many "clean-eating" options out there. If you need ideas, there are some great blogs, pinterest sites and recipe sites out there.
Check out Engine2Diet or The Gracious Pantry. Also, WholeFoods is running a 28day "health starts here" challenge ( where you can find tons of recipes and some great suggestions for making it happen when you're crunched for time. (Like "batch cooking day so you have ready-made meal parts that you can throw together in different combinations all week) Those are just a few that come to mind.

Look at your team's chart for the week. See what other people are eating and you'll not only get ideas but also support and motivation.
Make sure you ask for help if you're feeling stuck. Sometimes it's hard to see beyond what you're used to. By the end of the week, I'll bet you find one or two things you don't want to live without and many more that you had no problem giving up. And you'll definitely see changes in your energy level and mental clarity.

Most importantly, don't forget that you have the option of eating "forbidden" foods if you're willing to lose a few points. Even just knowing that you have that option is sometimes enough to get you through a rough patch. You're not trapped or deprived, so don't let yourself feel restricted. You might find that you care more about your point-count than your desire for an ice cream sundae. Oh wait, that's me =)

So, now that you have a place to start, who has some other ideas for embracing our inner cave-people? 

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

And Away We Go!

Happy Tuesday! Although our early spring weather is on temporary hiatus here in Boston, I still feel energized by the sun, the blossoming trees, the birdsong and the prospect of warm days just around the corner. I can't wait to pack away the winter things and head outside. I've started preparing the garden plot that will soon be filled with beautiful vegetable seedlings and the kids are so excited about growing food! Even our bunny has more spring in his step this week-maybe someone told him about the vegetable garden?

Last night we kicked off the spring session of 6FIT at DanceFIT Studio and it's going to be an amazing 6 weeks. The energy in the studio felt so positive I couldn't help but to smile and I felt like all of my negative energy was sweating right out of me. Once again I've got a very motivated team. Our lives are all very different but I'm really looking forward to seeing how this healthy lifestyle fits in to so many different scenarios and hearing how different people make it work.

This first week is the "Water Cleanse" challenge. Don't worry! This is not a week with no food! 6FIT is about learning to live in a more healthy way and starving your body for a week would definitely not qualify. What we eat is up to us. We are allowed one small cup of coffee before noon each day but, other than that, we can only drink plain water.
I think (correct me if I'm wrong, Gina and Maeve) the purpose of this challenge is first, to make sure we are all well-hydrated and second, to wake our bodies up to the changes to come in the next 6 weeks. We always hear some version of the "drink 8 glasses of water a day" rule but I personally have always been terrible about drinking water. It's not that I used to drink soda or juice instead. I just never seemed to drink much of anything.
For those of you that always drink lots of water, this week might not be a big change for you. For everyone else, you are going to be amazed at how different you feel at the end of the week. If you feel sluggish or have a bit of a nagging headache, you are not alone. For many of us, that one cup of coffee in each morning represents a fraction of the caffeine we are used to consuming and we'll have a bit of withdrawal to deal with. Also, flooding your body with lots of water is a great way to flush toxins from your system but in the process there will be lots of toxins floating around on their way out. Rest assured you will feel much better in a couple of days and please don't give up. The best thing to do is be kind to yourself,  drink even more water and keep your body moving. You'll get over the hump and feel much better by the time we head into week 2.

Foods of the week this week are swiss chard and bananas. Who has a great recipe to share? I usually just saute chard in olive oil and eat it over brown rice or quinoa with a bit of salt but I'm sure there are much more interesting ways to eat it. As for bananas, aside from being great just as they are, if you slice them and let them cook in with your morning oatmeal they add a nice texture and enough sweetness that you might not need to add anything else.

Wow-that was a long post considering I had no idea what I was going to write about today. Stay tuned for some different posts in the days to come. Eating well on a budget maybe? Or great books to check out if you're trying to live a healthier lifestyle? Suggestions welcome!

And did I mention, I like who I'm becoming!

Here's to 6FIT =)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Life's Like a Jumprope

Truer words may never have been spoken.

Here's how my week has gone:

Monday: Really great day! Got on the scale this morning and I'm down 2 POUNDS since last Monday! And my jeans are loose-SCORE! I guess my body just needed some time to catch up with all of the work I've been doing. I ended my day with a DanceFIT double-header and then dinner at the Melting Pot with my Stephanie and her friend Kristin from school. Laughed until I cried, felt like a twenty-year-old, didn't over-eat, didn't have a glass of wine: I feel totally in control!

Tuesday: Another great day. Still riding the high of yesterday's scale victory. I've been doing a lot of thinking and here's what I've come up with. For 6 weeks I really pushed myself. The last week of 6FIT I worked out twice a day and ate so well I can hardly believe it. Last week I kind of fell off the wagon and floundered with no chart or daily challenges. I wasn't awful, just not as good as I was during 6FIT. Then this weekend I went away for a little girl-time with Miss Julia and my friend Lisa. I was basically a sloth all weekend. All I wanted to do was read and knit, so that's mostly what I did. And you know what? I think that's exactly what I needed. I'm finding that taking care of myself is more complicated than I thought. Well, maybe not more complicated, but definitely more "nuanced" shall we say. So sometimes I really need to push myself and sometimes I need to just relax and allow the peace and quiet to set in. I know there's a balance there, I just need to find it.

Wednesday: Okay, the sh*t is hitting the fan. Help! Our brand new bunny is really sick. Our dryer just broke and I have 3 loads of wet laundry hanging all over my house. My kids are INSANE!!!!! Thank goodness for Zumba tonight. No pressure, Maeve, but you're in charge of killing my funk!
Yeah!!! Guess who won the plank contest tonight? I think I was almost at 4 minutes when the last person dropped. WAHOO! Quite an accomplishment since I couldn't even stay up for 30 seconds 2 months ago!!

Thursday: I've been possessed by the devil! Well, not me exactly, but my kids certainly have. This ranks up there with my worst days ever. I stayed up way too late watching a movie last night-it had to be returned to the library, okay? And I ate a very large cheese omelet and a whole bag of microwave popcorn while I was watching it. Definitely didn't meet the no-eating-after-8PM goal. Even finding a new bathing suit that I actually could stand to look at myself in didn't save the day. I just made an entire pan of caramel blond brownies and I can't even wait for it to finish cooking, so the kids and I are eating it right out of the pan with spoons and washing it down with lots of milk. Dinner is served. Did I mention I'm up for the mother-of-the-year award? At least it's skim milk =/

Friday: Oh, there was a full moon last night. That explains so much. And I just looked at the calendar and noticed where I am in my cycle. Huh. Raw veggies for breakfast was all I could stomach after last night's little "indiscretion." After I posted about my dinner last night, my 6FIT friends stepped right up to the plate. What would I do without you guys? Danielle reminded me of the 80/20 rule. I've definitely been eating well and exercising more than 80% of the time, so I'll call yesterday my 20% day. Elena reminded me that I haven't reached a new low. I just had a temporary deviation. And Miss Leta, you are right on. So glad today is a new day! And so very VERY grateful to my 6FIT peeps and DanceFIT studio for keeping the lows short-lived and the highs higher than ever!

Up downUp downUp downUp down yeahCause it will get hardRemember life's like a jump rope
Thank you Blue October. It is indeed. 
17 days until the next session. But who's counting? 
Okay, I am.
PS The bunny just had an ear infection and some trauma from the craziness of this household. He's doing much better, just in case you were wondering. =)
PPS You know that balance I was talking about on Tuesday? Well, somewhere around halfway through Pilates class it magically finds me. If you haven't tried it, you should. And if you haven't found that balance, you haven't had a class with Gina Fay yet!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Results Are In!

The good new is I did manage to lose 1.8 pounds. But the GREAT news is that I lost a total of 8 inches over the last 6 weeks! 
Holy cow that's a lot!

More than the inches and pounds, though, I feel like I've taken the next step toward a truly healthy self and it feels great!

So, I've got three and a half weeks until round two of 6FIT and I've already found it a bit difficult to function without the scaffolding in place. How sad that no one cares what I eat or how much water I drink or how much exercise I've gotten everyday. On Monday I felt like a lost soul without my weekly chart and my daily or weekly challenges to lean on.Funny that the things that I found tough to stick to during the challenge are the very things I'm missing now.

Perhaps the most personally fulfilling and exciting thing I've gotten from the last 6 weeks is direction. I finally feel that overwhelming pull toward something meaningful to do with my life. This girl is finally going back to school in the fall. What a nice birthday present that will be! 
I'm researching programs focusing on nutrition and exercise science, leaning toward holistic and food-based approaches to wellness, rather than the traditional western medicine approach. 
I've always been interested in this, but I've read so much lately and I just can't get enough. Also, there's so much conflicting information out there and I'd like to help people wade through it all without being overwhelmed and giving up. 
So I guess I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. =)

I hope you'll stay with me on this journey-blogging and doing other things that make me think about food/exercise/etc. really keep my health and my family's health at the front of my mind. My whole family benefits when I take those few minutes to re-center myself and I hope I can help keep you on track too.

What I'd really love is some company in the next 6FIT cycle!

 It doesn't matter where you live or what your goals are. 
Virtual classes or in the studio, you definitely won't regret it. 

Wouldn't it be nice to start off your summer feeling strong, healthy and proud of yourself? 

The next cycle starts March 26th. 

Can you take 6 weeks to focus on yourself, learn about nutrition and exercise, be supported in making positive choices and balancing self-discipline with fun and enjoying life to its fullest? I'm not talking about deprivation here. That never works for me. If I feel deprived, it's all over. I'm talking about being on a diverse team of great people all working together to help you achieve your own personal best.

Perhaps the better question is, can you afford not to?

Until next time,

Friday, February 24, 2012

Long Time, No Blog!

So I've been neglecting my spokesperson blogging duties this week, but I have a good excuse. The kids are on vacation and I committed to having an active, educational, and most of all, FUN week with them. Those of you who know my children have some idea what a tall order this is since there are two of them and only one of me; keeping them separated was not an option.
The other challenge in this was maintaining my commitment to the 6FIT program. I had to figure out how to eat well and get in my own exercise with the kids around, not to mention put in enough hours at the office to keep the business running smoothly.

Recipe for failure, right?

Not this week!

On Monday the kids and I hiked and scrambled all over the Blue Hills.

Then Daddy took over and I got some ME time at a DanceFIT double-header.

Tuesday I joined a friend for an early morning run at Jamaica Pond and then had another full day planned. We visited to the BU Language and Child Cognition Labs so the kids could participate in some of their studies. Then we headed off to the JFK Library for a terrific Presidents' Day program.

There were crafts and stories, lots to learn and yes, the make-your-own-sunday bar was a big hit. We had parked our car at the Boston Common and, on the way back, we made a spontaneous stop at the Frog Pond for a few hours of ice skating and a visit to the playground.

Wednesday we all got up early and went for a sunrise hike in the Blue Hills. We explored a new trail, ate breakfast at the summit, and the kids taught us the Sun Salutation to welcome the sunrise. (Have I mentioned that they do yoga at their awesome school? Way to go Children's Cooperative Montessori School!)

In the evening, I got to feed my Zumba habit with the fabulous Miss Maeve while Daddy took the kids to Pajama Story Time at the Putterham Library.

Thursday we went back to BU for some more studies (the kids LOVE that place) and then headed to Jamaica Pond for some exercise. My Julia ran a whole loop (1.4miles) without stopping (William crashed after a mile-not bad!) and then Mommy pushed both the cherubs in the stroller for another round. Yup-115 pounds of entertainment on wheels. They serenaded me with a very loud rendition of songs from Annie Get Your Gun. It wasn't a fast run but we had so much fun-especially when it started pouring and then hailing before we could get back to the car. We were soaked, but smiling.
In the afternoon, Grandma and Grandad came and took the kids to another great program at the Puterham Library. They skated inside on paper plates and threw cotttonball "snowballs" while I did some laundry and showered. How lucky are we to live in a city with so many great FREE things to do with the kiddos?
We finished up the day with dance class for my little ballerina and a much-needed Pilates class for a very tired Mommy.

Can I just say that I don't usually attempt all of these things with the kids when I'm flying solo but I just have so much more energy and patience these days. Eating well, exercising and making myself a priority are really paying off for the whole family. I'm not going to pretend that it's all been smooth sailing. My kids are still "only children" at heart after all, but taking care of myself really makes a difference in my ability to roll with the punches. This is the first time I've ever felt so positive and energized at the end of a school vacation week. I'm not sure what better endorsement there is for this program.

So here it is Friday afternoon heading into the final weekend if 6FIT. I really wish it weren't ending and I'll definitely be signing up for the next round at the end of March. This week has really taken me to a new level, squeezing in exercise all over the place and managing to eat well even on the go. Though I haven't had time for cooking healthy family meals this week, I've had all of the daily food challenges to keep me from reaching for junk. I'm really going to miss this structure and all of the team support. Just knowing that my whole team is reading my food and activity journal has kept me mostly on the straight and narrow and is a huge motivator.

Tonight we're off to see the Wizard of Oz at Wheelock Family Theatre and tomorrow is our day at the dance studio with the added bonus of a special "Couples Workout" in the afternoon. I can't remember the last time David and I have had the pleasure of exercising together without the kids climbing all over us. On-site babysitting is a perk we never take for granted. There might be spots still open if you're looking to reconnect with your significant other!

And Sunday my oldest daughter, Stephanie, comes home from college for spring break.

 I seriously miss that girl! She's my oasis of calm in this crazy household.

So who's got a great weekend lined up? How are you going to eat well and keep moving? You can even join the virtual workout world and never leave home. Take a class or even take a walk. Your TV won't miss you and your body will thank you!

Here's to a strong 6FIT finish!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

Thank you, Henry Ford, for providing my motivation last week.

I think there's a germ-sharing program happening behind the scenes at 6FIT these days. Last week I took my turn with a tough cold that settled in my chest. Even playing with the kids brought on the coughing and wheezing, so cardio was definitely off the table for me. I knew I had to take care of myself, but I did not want to lose the great momentum I've built up over the last 4 weeks, nor did I want to give up all of those exercise points.
Enter pilates!
I took Gina's Pilates with resistance tubing class on Thursday night, just as the cold was coming on, and I can't even tell you what a difference it made. Although my chest hurt and my sinuses were full the next morning, the rest of me felt really good. I'm not sure how to explain it except to say that I had a nasty cold but I felt relaxed and calm about it. Also, I realized that I could exercise even though I was sick. And then Henry Ford's words popped into my head and they have become my mantra. The mind is a powerful thing!
I pulled out some old core-focused, pilates style dvd's that have been gathering dust since I got them and I made sure to do at least 30 minutes a day until my lungs felt better. Now I'm hooked and my body is craving the gentle stretches and slower pace that pilates leans toward. Hooray for discovering a new exercise to love! And hooray for learning that a change in mindset can really make a huge difference.
I'm happy to say that I'm feeling much better and looking forward to returning to Zumba class tonight. I was having serious withdrawal!

And how did we celebrate Valentine's Day?
In 6FIT-style of course! A little vegetable love is always welcome and a healthy version of Strawberry Shortcake for dessert =)
My children made me the cutest cards (I love 5-yr-old spelling!) and my husband hung beautiful notecards (all famous paintings of redheads) all over the house to lead me to my gift from him. This girl is definitely spoiled!

And to top it all off, we had a very unexpected addition to our family. Meet Coco, who needed an immediate new home because the new baby in his former home couldn't breathe with him around. He needed a new family or he was on his way to Angell Animal Hospital, so he's our new Valentine Bunny!
Finally an kindred spirit. We had a lovely spinach salad together for lunch today-I think he likes 6FIT too!

So Coco and I are off to share a kiwi before the kids get home. Here's to a week of positive thoughts!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Too much of a good thing is...

...still too much!

I was so excited when I finished laying out our SuperBowl spread yesterday. Veggies & white bean hummus, blue corn chips and homemade guacamole, apple slices and a few fancy-schmancy cheeses, homemade chicken fingers that William breaded himself, homemade baked fries and a truly delectable strawberry/cashew/cocoa gallete that Julia helped me make. It was gorgeous!
The thing is, by then end of that very stressful game, I had eaten too much. Not a guilt-inducing food coma or anything, it was just the first time since I started 6FIT that I went overboard. I guess having only healthy foods around doesn't eliminate the need to really pay attention when I eat. Too much of a good thing...

The same goes for exercise. I finished up cardio week without missing a day. I took my mandatory day off to do pilates instead so I got in 7 great workouts last week. Mostly I feel great about this, but my knees are really complaining now. I refuse to chalk it up to an aging body but I do need to pay more attention to the kinds of exercise I'm getting and make sure I support my knees better when I'm jumping around a lot. Again, too much of a good thing...

So on to Vegetarian Week and Attack Your Abs!

Some musings and thoughts for the week ahead:

On beets (1 of our foods of the week):

  • If you haven't had fresh beets, you haven't really had beets. The canned ones just don't compare.
  • Don't throw away the greens! The are delicious chopped and sauteed in a little olive oil.
  • My favorite way to cook them is cubed and baked with a bit of olive oil, but sometimes I boil them. 
  • Leftovers are great cold. Just toss them on your salad.
  • We will probably all have red hands by the end of the week unless we wear gloves when we prepare them.
  • Beets are really good for your digestive system but beware, they often act as a mild laxative. 
  • I repeat, beet juice stains everything, including your insides, so don't by surprised (panicked?) by unusual coloring as they make their way out of your system. Enough said.
On squash (Superfood #2 this week):
  • Just try them all-you can't lose!
  • You can eat spaghetti squash just like spaghetti. Cut it in half the long way, scoop out the seeds and bake it, cut side down in about 1/4 inch of water until it's soft, then scrape a fork down the insides and it will come out looking like spaghetti. 
  • Don't toss the seeds. Roast them with a little salt or some tamari for a great salty snack. You can also roast them with brown sugar and cinnamon for a sweeter treat.
  • Squash and apples are great complimentary flavors so try cooking them together.
  • Pumpkin Bread! Skip the canned stuff and roast your own, then just mash it up and it's ready to go. You can use unsweetened applesauce instead of oil and it's a fairly healthy indulgence. I roast all of our uncarved pumpkins after halloween and freeze them in small batches for baking the rest of the year.
On attacking my abs:
  • Let me find them and I'll get back to you.
On 6FIT:
We just passed the half-way mark and it's time to ramp up and find all of that great energy, motivation and commitment we were loving three weeks ago! Don't slump in solitude. Let your team members know what's going on so they can help get you back on track. My fellow 6Fitters were great last week when I needed a boost and I'm so grateful. And I love that the competition is heating up. Posting the standings as we headed into the weekend was a huge motivator! 

Thank you all so much for being with me for both the highs AND the lows.

Here's to everything in moderation--I'm feeling great and looking forward to another challenging week!

Who's with me?


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Trusting the process

Well, we're mid-way through week 3 in this 6FIT journey and I'm both super motivated and a bit discouraged, if it's even possible to be both at the same time.
My team took the lead and I came in second for overall points in week one. For week two, I tied for first place. Very exciting! So why am I feeling a bit sad?

Let me break it down.
Here are the things I'm doing:

  • Avoiding white flour and sugar
  • Eating mostly vegetables, fruits and whole grains
  • Making healthy, homemade meals for my family every day
  • Feeling stronger and more energetic
  • Working out at least 5 times a week, sometimes more, never less
  • Drinking SO much water
  • Paying more attention to getting enough protein and carbohydrates every day
  • Getting plenty of sleep
  • Treating myself to something sweet once a week so I don't feel deprived
Here are the things I'm NOT doing:
  • Losing any weight at all
  • Feeling better in my clothes

I know, I know-It takes time to change your body. And it's winter so our mammalian  bodies are programmed to store energy for the cold months ahead. Not to mention that there are certain days every month that some of us feel, well, just bloated and huge. 
My rational mind knows all of this. However, there's a totally irrational part of me that wonders what the heck I have to do to take off a few pounds. I've even had a brief (very brief) bout of jealousy at friends who've had the stomach bug. Yup-I'm nuts!

The difference for me this time is that I'm refusing to give in to the desire to just go back to bed or curl up on the couch and mope. The way I'm eating and the exercise I'm getting are definitely good for me and for my family. My rational mind says "You Go Girl!. (That other part of me is wondering if Ben & Jerry are free tonight.)

Like I said, super-motivated and a bit discouraged.  If I'm going to be a good "spokesmodel" I've got to tell it like it is, right?

So, please excuse my not-so-upbeat post for today. Don't worry Team 2-I won't let you down. I'm WAY too competitive for that =)

Here's to trusting the process!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

We got our game on 6FIT style here in the Russell house this weekend!
I'm pretty sure this would have looked quite different if it weren't for this challenge and "sugar-free Sunday" but we all enjoyed a feast and nobody felt deprived at all. My favorite moment? On the way to a concert here in Boston, my oldest daughter stopped by with her college friends to catch some of the game. Squeezed into our tiny TV room were all 5 of us plus 3 very tall college guys munching on celery sticks and homemade guacamole on organic blue corn chips. No junk food in sight. So satisfying!

And that wrapped up week 1 of the 6FIT challenge-the "water cleanse" week. We could eat whatever we wanted last week, but we could only drink water. The only exceptions were 1 small cup of coffee before noon and 1 glass of red wine at night (per Michael Pollan, of course). Not so hard really, although I missed coffee. Believe it or not, I actually had much more energy without the afternoon caffeine infusion but I have to admit that I just love drinking coffee-the taste, the texture, the smell, the whole experience. So I'm very happy to be enjoying my second cup of coffee as I type this, decaf of course. =)

And now on to week 2: "Real Foods" only. That means if I can't hunt it, gather it or grow it, I can't eat it.
For the most part, I'm not worried at all. We already eat pretty healthy around here. Giving up bread and crackers is the only challenge I anticipate. And the foods of the week are kale and tangerines/clementines, both of which I love! We get one "immunity" food and I'm definitely going with coffee! To make it a little more challenging I'm going to try to go completely decaf. I tried half-decaf this morning and boy did I get off to a slow start. We'll see how this goes. I may need a bit of encouragement on this one.

I also want to try some different classes this week. Last week I did Zumba with Maeve and CardioKickFIT with Dinna-I loved them both!
Already this week I tried BalletFIT for the first time. Very tough class but great energy and fun to remember the ballerina dreams of childhood. We actually did many of the same things I watch my 7-yr-old do in her classes, so I was feeling some pressure. Let's just say it was a humbling experience and leave it at that, shall we?

I know most people have a hate/hate relationship with Mondays but, for me, Tuesday is the weekly thorn in my side. I start off Monday mornings in high gear with a to-do list 2 pages long and 6 child-free hours to shred it. Even at my most productive I don't have a snowballs chance to get through the whole list, but hope springs eternal. Somewhere around 2:00 I start to panic because the kids will be home in less than an hour and when they walk through the door, productivity comes to a screeching halt. 
So now it's Tuesday and my little guy does not have school on Tuesdays. So much for the to-do list. Mostly, I spend Tuesdays in a state of anxiety about all of the things that I am NOT accomplishing. Pretty sad, huh?
In the spirit of DanceFIT and having a healthier mental state to go with my healthier body, I'm going to go build silly things and do puzzles with my William. Then maybe he can come do something super fun with folding laundry ;-)

Here's to healthy minds and bodies!

PS Dear Tom Brady, please don't speak. You are much classier with your mouth closed. We still love you though. GO PATRIOTS!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Funny the things you learn...and RE-learn!

Things I've (re)learned so far on this 6FIT journey with DanceFIT studio:

  • Water is good!
  • Stretching is essential after exercise.
  • The older you get, the more you need to stretch.
  • Grapefruit is yummy!
  • If you really pay attention, your body will actually tell you exactly what it needs.
I realize it is only day 3 but I feel like I'm already reaping the benefits of this program. I thought keeping hydrated was going to be my biggest challenge but, so far, it has been a breeze. It's almost like I've been dehydrated for so long and now my body is making up for lost time.

And then there's the exercise. I kicked off the program with a Monday night double-header; first an hour of Zumba with Maeve and then 45 minutes of Cardio kickFIT with Dinna. I'm not lying when I say that I had to crawl to the 6FIT kick-off meeting after the second class. Tuesday morning I was surprised that I was not sore at all. I felt a bit tight, but otherwise fine...until last night. By bedtime last night I could hardly climb the stairs. Every muscle in my legs and core had just decided to freeze and it was all I could do to crawl into bed. Now I know I haven't been keeping up with exercise much lately, but I'm no couch potato. This morning, when I still could hardly move, it dawned on me that I had not done much stretching after class on Monday. I used to call my husband "old man" when he insisted on endless stretching after our runs and he would always say "you'll understand someday." I guess that day is here. I definitely don't feel old, but apparently this body just doesn't bounce back like it used to and I can't expect it to keep performing for me without a bit of TLC. So, I stretched, and stretched, and stretched some more, and now my body is thanking me by functioning normally again. Phew! I did NOT want to have to cancel my class tonight. I almost forgot how much I love to Zumba!

As far as eating goes, I'm rocking this healthy thing. 
My son finally succeeded in giving me his cold (such a generous boy he is) and I've been pretty sick since Monday night. I've never really been a fan of grapefruit but this week it has been my best friend.
I just can't get enough citrus-hello vitamin C!

And without a second (third, fourth...) cup of coffee to get me through the afternoon, I've actually avoided that mid-afternoon zombie-time when all I want is a nap. Who knew? Okay, I knew, but old habits die hard.

Breaking the sugar cycle has certainly helped. I haven't had anything with added sugar since Saturday and I'm not craving it at all. 

All I'm craving is citrus fruit and more water. I guess my body knows what it needs. I just have to get better at listening.

So here's to listening to your body and taking care of yourself!

And check back in soon!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

…and then I threw out the Birthday Cake

Okay, it was only the leftover part of my son’s birthday cake from his party this weekend, but the fact that there is half of a homemade chocolate fudge cake with dark chocolate frosting sitting in my trash barrel is kind of liberating. To be truthful, I was glad when my husband took the trash out because the temptation to change my mind was a bit embarrassing. 

Am I the only one who has lost all control since the holiday season started? I can’t be alone in the struggle to make myself a priority when there are so many other things competing for my attention and energy.

I was really excited about this DanceFIT SpokesPERSON opportunity, that is, until I got the congratulations email from Gina which subtly substituted the word SpokesMODEL for SpokesPERSON. Somehow “person” is a whole lot less intimidating than “model,” don’t you think?
So here I am, about to embark on what I know will be a challenging, motivating and fun 6-week program called 6FIT
With a home business, a college student and 2 extremely energetic younger children (ages 5 and 7), I feel good if I manage to stay awake through bedtime stories.  Coffee and sugar taste good, but the crash comes fast and hard. I know I feel better when I exercise and eat well. I know I’ll feel better if I just hit the gym but, with nobody holding me accountable, it’s just not happening anymore. Though I’m really a shy person and often feel intimidated in social situations, I think I really need a community of people to make fitness a more important part of my life.
And here’s my biggest motivator, I’m hurtling toward the big 4-0 this year and, believe it or not, I’m looking forward to it! I really want to be “fit and fabulous” by 40. I want to feel comfortable playing with my family on the beach in a bathing suit this summer and not leave a pile of rumpled clothes on my bed every morning because nothing looks good on me. I want to have the energy to get through the day with a smile and still be awake to spend time with my husband after the kids are in bed.  
I think it’s finally time for me to be “me” again and not just “Stephanie, William and Julia’s Mom” or “David’s Wife.” As much as I cherish those roles, I’d like the world to meet the “me” behind all that. And I want to know that when I’m 50 I’ll still be able to keep up with this crazy family.
I’m ready to make some new friends, learn some new moves, take care of myself, be motivated, motivate others and definitely to laugh and smile as much as possible!
And away we go!