Friday, February 24, 2012

Long Time, No Blog!

So I've been neglecting my spokesperson blogging duties this week, but I have a good excuse. The kids are on vacation and I committed to having an active, educational, and most of all, FUN week with them. Those of you who know my children have some idea what a tall order this is since there are two of them and only one of me; keeping them separated was not an option.
The other challenge in this was maintaining my commitment to the 6FIT program. I had to figure out how to eat well and get in my own exercise with the kids around, not to mention put in enough hours at the office to keep the business running smoothly.

Recipe for failure, right?

Not this week!

On Monday the kids and I hiked and scrambled all over the Blue Hills.

Then Daddy took over and I got some ME time at a DanceFIT double-header.

Tuesday I joined a friend for an early morning run at Jamaica Pond and then had another full day planned. We visited to the BU Language and Child Cognition Labs so the kids could participate in some of their studies. Then we headed off to the JFK Library for a terrific Presidents' Day program.

There were crafts and stories, lots to learn and yes, the make-your-own-sunday bar was a big hit. We had parked our car at the Boston Common and, on the way back, we made a spontaneous stop at the Frog Pond for a few hours of ice skating and a visit to the playground.

Wednesday we all got up early and went for a sunrise hike in the Blue Hills. We explored a new trail, ate breakfast at the summit, and the kids taught us the Sun Salutation to welcome the sunrise. (Have I mentioned that they do yoga at their awesome school? Way to go Children's Cooperative Montessori School!)

In the evening, I got to feed my Zumba habit with the fabulous Miss Maeve while Daddy took the kids to Pajama Story Time at the Putterham Library.

Thursday we went back to BU for some more studies (the kids LOVE that place) and then headed to Jamaica Pond for some exercise. My Julia ran a whole loop (1.4miles) without stopping (William crashed after a mile-not bad!) and then Mommy pushed both the cherubs in the stroller for another round. Yup-115 pounds of entertainment on wheels. They serenaded me with a very loud rendition of songs from Annie Get Your Gun. It wasn't a fast run but we had so much fun-especially when it started pouring and then hailing before we could get back to the car. We were soaked, but smiling.
In the afternoon, Grandma and Grandad came and took the kids to another great program at the Puterham Library. They skated inside on paper plates and threw cotttonball "snowballs" while I did some laundry and showered. How lucky are we to live in a city with so many great FREE things to do with the kiddos?
We finished up the day with dance class for my little ballerina and a much-needed Pilates class for a very tired Mommy.

Can I just say that I don't usually attempt all of these things with the kids when I'm flying solo but I just have so much more energy and patience these days. Eating well, exercising and making myself a priority are really paying off for the whole family. I'm not going to pretend that it's all been smooth sailing. My kids are still "only children" at heart after all, but taking care of myself really makes a difference in my ability to roll with the punches. This is the first time I've ever felt so positive and energized at the end of a school vacation week. I'm not sure what better endorsement there is for this program.

So here it is Friday afternoon heading into the final weekend if 6FIT. I really wish it weren't ending and I'll definitely be signing up for the next round at the end of March. This week has really taken me to a new level, squeezing in exercise all over the place and managing to eat well even on the go. Though I haven't had time for cooking healthy family meals this week, I've had all of the daily food challenges to keep me from reaching for junk. I'm really going to miss this structure and all of the team support. Just knowing that my whole team is reading my food and activity journal has kept me mostly on the straight and narrow and is a huge motivator.

Tonight we're off to see the Wizard of Oz at Wheelock Family Theatre and tomorrow is our day at the dance studio with the added bonus of a special "Couples Workout" in the afternoon. I can't remember the last time David and I have had the pleasure of exercising together without the kids climbing all over us. On-site babysitting is a perk we never take for granted. There might be spots still open if you're looking to reconnect with your significant other!

And Sunday my oldest daughter, Stephanie, comes home from college for spring break.

 I seriously miss that girl! She's my oasis of calm in this crazy household.

So who's got a great weekend lined up? How are you going to eat well and keep moving? You can even join the virtual workout world and never leave home. Take a class or even take a walk. Your TV won't miss you and your body will thank you!

Here's to a strong 6FIT finish!

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