Tuesday, January 10, 2012

…and then I threw out the Birthday Cake

Okay, it was only the leftover part of my son’s birthday cake from his party this weekend, but the fact that there is half of a homemade chocolate fudge cake with dark chocolate frosting sitting in my trash barrel is kind of liberating. To be truthful, I was glad when my husband took the trash out because the temptation to change my mind was a bit embarrassing. 

Am I the only one who has lost all control since the holiday season started? I can’t be alone in the struggle to make myself a priority when there are so many other things competing for my attention and energy.

I was really excited about this DanceFIT SpokesPERSON opportunity, that is, until I got the congratulations email from Gina which subtly substituted the word SpokesMODEL for SpokesPERSON. Somehow “person” is a whole lot less intimidating than “model,” don’t you think?
So here I am, about to embark on what I know will be a challenging, motivating and fun 6-week program called 6FIT
With a home business, a college student and 2 extremely energetic younger children (ages 5 and 7), I feel good if I manage to stay awake through bedtime stories.  Coffee and sugar taste good, but the crash comes fast and hard. I know I feel better when I exercise and eat well. I know I’ll feel better if I just hit the gym but, with nobody holding me accountable, it’s just not happening anymore. Though I’m really a shy person and often feel intimidated in social situations, I think I really need a community of people to make fitness a more important part of my life.
And here’s my biggest motivator, I’m hurtling toward the big 4-0 this year and, believe it or not, I’m looking forward to it! I really want to be “fit and fabulous” by 40. I want to feel comfortable playing with my family on the beach in a bathing suit this summer and not leave a pile of rumpled clothes on my bed every morning because nothing looks good on me. I want to have the energy to get through the day with a smile and still be awake to spend time with my husband after the kids are in bed.  
I think it’s finally time for me to be “me” again and not just “Stephanie, William and Julia’s Mom” or “David’s Wife.” As much as I cherish those roles, I’d like the world to meet the “me” behind all that. And I want to know that when I’m 50 I’ll still be able to keep up with this crazy family.
I’m ready to make some new friends, learn some new moves, take care of myself, be motivated, motivate others and definitely to laugh and smile as much as possible!
And away we go!


  1. Congratulations Mari-Chris! We can't wait for this challenge to begin, and hopefully you will enjoy more energy and be ready to confidently wear your bathing suit this summer! (Something ALL women struggle with!) Its amazing the transformation you feel with JUST adding more fruits & veggies into your daily routine, not to mention I know you love dancing, so hopefully workouts will make a turn for you and be more fun! As for the "model" title, don't let that intimidate you. You are a model for your family, children, and a role model to all those considering danceFIT as their workout choice :) We wish you luck and can't wait to read more.

  2. You already look fit and fabulous to me!!! I am excited to follow along in your journey :)

  3. Great post. Made me think about all the roles I have for everyone else and how I've neglected to take a role for my self! I have 2 weddings and a trip to FL coming up can't wait to follow your blogs, get motivated and get back in shape! :)
