Thursday, May 17, 2012

Training Wheels?

Well, round two of 6FIT has come to an end and it was another great run. I lost another pound and another couple of inches, but most importantly, I feel great!

First and foremost, I need to give a shout out to my cheering section.

I really have the most amazing husband. This man is behind me every step of the way, even when it means I'm squeezing exercise classes into our already insane schedule or getting the whole family up for an early morning walk on the weekends (extra points for exercising with "friends" on the weekends!). Every single day he asks what he can do to support me. How can he help me meet my goal? How can "we" get more points today? What's that other woman doing out in California and how can we smoke her this week? (Hi Kim!)

And my munchkins, William and Julia have been a total riot, living the 6FIT life right along with me. Telling the world about "hunt, gather, grow" week. Riding their bikes to the library instead of taking the car so Mom can jog along. "What's our food of the week, Mom?" "How many points do we get if we go for a walk?" "Do you get extra points if I sit on you while you do yoga?" "Are we beating that lady yet?"  Clearly the competitive spirit is present in our house.

As a former "loner" who has always wanted to do things on my own, this has been a very eye-opening experience. I know how to eat well. I know how to exercise. Why is this so darn difficult to do on my own?
The answer is, I still don't know. However, I'm a firm believer in doing what works, and being part of a supportive and health-minded community is definitely working.

After my first round of 6FIT, I was really on-track for about two weeks, and then I just started floundering around. I felt like I had lost all of my structure; no charts to fill in, no points to tally, no challenges to meet, etc.
This time around, I'm all over it! I've got my "app" to track my food and exercise (and connect with friends who are doing the same thing), I'm staying in touch with many other 6FITters and I'm scheduling exercise in advance for each week so I know I'll be taken care of even in the busiest of times. And let's face it-when is it NOT the busiest of times?
I'm considering this my "training wheels." Like when you first learn to ride a two-wheeler but you have to focus all of your energy on not falling off, you hardly notice the world around you. If you put the training wheels back on, you can enjoy the ride and still keep moving forward. That's me-moving forward!

I've also joined the virtual world and I'm hooked. I take real-time classes right in my living room via Skype after the kids go to bed or before they get up or sometimes they even join me. I can't believe I waited so long to try this out. 

People keep asking me what my favorite exercise class is and every time I think I have an answer, I try another class and can't make up my mind again.
Here's my rundown:

  • For Cardio I love Zumba. Who wouldn't? You keep moving, have fun and "Shake it" when Maeve yells "Shake it!" I dance like crazy and, as long as I avoid the mirrors, I feel like I could be on MTV. Oops-really dating myself there, aren't I? Does MTV still exist?
  • I'm also a big fan on Dinna's CardioKickFIT class. I love kickboxing and holy cow does Dinna make a girl work. Lots of intervals, lots of sets, big smiles and an all-around challenging class that wipes me out every time. I wish this was on the schedule more-it's in a tough time slot but totally worth it!
  • I haven't tried BalletFIT Cardio yet but it looks like another fun and challenging class. I'm working up to this one.
And then there are the toning classes:
  • Pilates with Resistance Tubing was my first favorite. Thank you Gina! I'm finally beginning to understand that you can stretch and be gentle on your body while also getting a great all-over toning workout. Who knew? It's the kind of class that flies by, leaves you relaxed and feeling settled in your body and, the next day, has your muscles reminding you that they did some serious work. 
  • Then I tried BalletFIT and really enjoyed that one too. Barre work, center work, core work, hand weights, some cardio, stretching-this class has everything. Reminds me of my childhood dreams of tutus and toe shoes-embracing my inner-ballerina here!
  • Then one morning I tried an early morning Mat Pilates class with Ali because I just couldn't fit anything else in that day. I haven't missed this class since. Talk about greeting the day. 45 minutes of all-over good feelings and more sweat than one would think in a class with no cardio.
  • And not to leave out the west coast motivation-Kristin's Long and Lean class was my first experience with yoga. All these years I wondered how anyone could consider yoga a workout. My kids go through the poses in their sleep. I take it all back and apologize to all of you yogis and yoginis. Yoga is tough and I am a convert. I absolutely love this class! And I'm not as coordinated as I thought-enough said.
  • And then Miss Lauren introduced me to BalletFIT Tone and Stretch one Saturday morning and it's now a regular part of my week. David and I have made this a weekly date and it's just the perfect way to start a weekend.  The studio is so beautiful and quiet in the morning and Lauren leads the class through some stretching, some basic barre work and lots of core and toning work. It's a slow paced class that's gentle on the body and always leaves me standing up a bit straighter and taller.
  • And then there are Arms and Abs, and Legs Bums & Tums: These are a little harder to fit into my schedule but I squeeze them in whenever I can. Sometimes a break from cardio and a real focus on specific "problem areas" (I hate that phrase!) just feels so good. Small weights and lots of reps are starting to make a difference for me. I'm starting to see long lean muscles popping up everywhere. What a difference from the muscles I developed at the gym! I'm pretty sure those one-pound Pilates balls are programmed to get progressively heavier as the workout goes on...
What am I missing? Music Video Dance is still intimidating me but maybe I'll get over it. Alyssa is such a great teacher and they all look like they're having a total party. There are still a few other classes left for me to try and I think a new class was just added to the schedule.

What do all of you do to keep your health a top priority? How do you fit in regular exercise without letting other things fall off your plate?

Enjoy this gorgeous weather and keep moving!