JUST KIDDING! But I got you to read on, didn't I?
I'm kidding about week 5, but not kidding about the 24-hour workout. The concept isn't mine, but I love it. The idea is to behave as if you're working out all of the time and it can really change everything from what you eat to how you carry yourself and even how you dress.
For example, you'd never eat a big fried meal before a workout, would you? No-you'd eat a healthy meal with lots of veggies and you'd never stuff yourself.
When you work out, you focus on your form, so why not stand up straight, hold in your middle and keep your chin up all day?
And if you're not going anywhere special, wear your cute kicks so you'll be ready if the opportunity arises for some active fun!
I'll admit, I can't remember to do it all the time, but when I do, I feel really great. I find myself doing calf-raises while I wait for my coffee to heat in the microwave, or putting away the laundry 1 pile at a time (bedrooms are on the 2nd and 3rd floors!) rather than stuffing as much as I can into 1 basket so I only have to climb the stairs once. Just standing up straight and holding in my stomach takes a lot of work, so I know I must be strengthening something, right? And when I feel strong, I'm much less likely to hit the baking cabinet and grab a handful of chocolate chips on my way by. Don't laugh-it's the only junk-food I have left in the house!
Give it a try. See if you can work "exercise" into the things you already do everyday. It won't replace a good workout but it will definitely help you make better choices and you'll feel great!
So how's everyone doing with Go Vegetarian week? Are you missing meat? Have you found that you aren't missing it much?
This is not a tough one for me because we don't eat much meat around here, but I'm hearing that lot's of people are struggling with this one. I used to cook some type of meat for my family at least 4 or 5 nights a week. Originally, we cut back in order to scale down our food budget. Then, the more I read, the more I became committed to buying only meat from animals that were raised humanely and fed well. Since that kind of meat is so expensive, we consider it a treat these days. We're not fanatics-I still eat whatever is served if I'm not at home, but I want to feel good about what I spend our money on when I have the choice.
Here's a really easy vegetarian recipe, especially for people who don't like tofu. I was never a tofu fan but I've found I love it when it's cooked right. Just try it-you might change your mind. Serve it with brown rice or quinoa and a steamed vegetable (green beans anyone?) for a complete meal.
Seriously Delicious Baked Tofu:
1lb tofu sliced into 1/2in rectangles
1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine (mirin)
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp minced fresh ginger
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp minced fresh garlic
Preheat oven to 350.
Place tofu in a single layer on a lightly oiled casserole dish.
Whisk all other ingredients together and pour over tofu.
Bake until tofu is lightly browned and sauce has thickened. (About an hour but watch it closely because it can be different depending on the variety of tofu.)
Okay, my 1/2 hour break is over (thank you Grandma and Grandad!) and the children are about to descend so it's back to school vacation week madness.
Enjoy the weather and don't forget to try something new today!
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