An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force. An object at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an outside force.
We all know this right?
I haven't really thought about inertia since high school, until this week. This week I realized that inertia actually controls my life. It's why when I'm "on," I'm really on, and when I'm "off," I'm totally off. Have you ever been on a roll getting lots of stuff done and then sat down for a minute to eat lunch or sort the mail and completely lost your momentum? How many times have you thought "I never should have sat down!" Some days I am on fire and get so much accomplished. Other days I can't seem to get myself in gear at all.
So what's going on here? What are the "outside forces" at work that kill my energy and keep me from being the upbeat, active person I really want to be all the time?
And just as importantly, what outside forces can I use to get myself going when I'm mentally or physically "at rest?" Obviously, exhaustion and the need for reasonable amounts of sleep are factors here, but they are definitely not the whole story.
Here's what I've come up with so far for what I'll call negative outside forces:
- avoidance-when I really don't feel like doing the task at hand for whatever reason
- desire for down time- any parents relate to this one?
- actual physical fatigue
- mental fatigue
- lack of a goal to work toward
- looking at the big picture and feeling overwhelmed
- need for a chance to just blow off steam
- Facebook, Pinterest, email, etc
And on the positive side:
- momentum
- feelings of accomplishment
- encouragement from others
- focusing on only the task at hand and not looking at the whole to-do list
- taking the first step-the next one is always easier
- getting closer to a goal
- having the end in sight
- endorphins!
So my challenge this week is to figure out a way to enjoy my times at rest without letting them take over indefinitely and, as much as possible, to stay in motion.
So far I'm doing really well, but I'd love to hear how others deal with their "lazy side" and keep from becoming a total couch potato.
What do you do in the moment to snap out of a slump and get back in the game?
Oh, and one more thing: NEVER end your workout lying face-down on the floor! Our 14-minute workout this week ended with a series of "supermans" and, after the minute was up this morning, I promptly fell asleep right there on the floor. Oops!
Hope everyone is having a great week!